Scout or ‘Pramuka’ is a non-political movement where young generation are voluntarily involved. The membership of scout distinct without gender, race or origin in accordance with the principles of its founder, Lord Baden-Powell.
The main purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of young generation in achieving their intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual potentials as individuals, responsible citizens and member of their local, national, and international communities.
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX (HB IX) was the king of Yogyakarta Sultanate (1940-1988) who had the scout spirit that he awarded with the title Father of Indonesian Scout.
History of the Indonesian Scout Movement started since the Padvenderij (1912) step in to Indonesia through the Dutch colonization. The movement was developed rapidly in line with the emergence of nationalism among Bumi Putera (indigenous people).
HB IX’s or known as Kak Sultan took a very important role in developing the Scout Movement. He got the mandate as chairman of the National Headquarter of Scout Movement for 4 periods. One of his ideas was Renewing of Scouting which then adopted by the scout movement around the world.
“Pramuka is not simply a means for playing, but also a place to obtain skills, agility, physical strenght including character building for Indonesian young generation,” Kak Sultan said (from Book : Meretas Jejak Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX).
The concept of Renewing of Scouting means that the participation of scouts in building the nation is essential for the sustainability of scouting as a world organization.
Kak Sultan explained that we still adhere to the moral principles of scouting, but we must renew the way of scouting activities that are in accordance with the aspirations of our young generation, including the needs of society.
Hence, Scout is an important part for Indonesia as a nation. We are the young generation, we are sustainably making improvement and breakthrough that are beneficial to the society.
We are scouts, we are special.
Choiri Setiawan, PusbangJusinfo