YOGYAKARTA — Yogyakarta Social Visit yang diikuti oleh anggota Asia Pasific Evergreen Scout (APES) selama lima hari di Yogyakarta telah usai.
Sejak kedatangan pada 13 Juni 2019 sampai dengan 17 Juni 2019, seluruh peserta telah diajak untuk mengunjungi berbagai lokasi wisata di Yogyakarta termasuk mampir di kantor Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Kwarda DIY).
Ketua (Chairman) APES Mr. Mohammed Ali Khalid dari India yang merupakan mantan International Commissioner of Bharat Scouts and Guides of India (BSGI) memimpin langsung agenda Yogyakarta Social Visit yang didampingi oleh Sekretaris APES Mr. Abdullah Rasheed dari Maladewa, mantan APR-WOSM Regional Director dan Advisor to WOSM Secretary General.
Berikut ini adalah Ucapan Terimakasih dari Chairman APES kepada Ketua Kwarda DIY,
Your Highness,
It is with feelings of thankfulness and pleasure that we gratefully acknowledge through this tremulous little message, the valuable time and importance you gave to the visit of APES .
We were simply floored and admired your simplicity and grace you amply displayed and indeed your noble intentions and leadership towards Scouting are really the sheet anchor on which the growth of Gerakan Pramuka lies.
There can not be a stronger or more enduring foundation than what was displayed by your Highness.
Your constant presence amidst us in your busy moments and the importance you gave us during your visit has made an imprint and you have endeared yourself amongst us.
Your evincing personal interest in the affairs of Scouting and knowing many of them personally clearly indicates your understanding and commitment to Scouting.
Certainly Scouting has great future under your leadership.
The last minute audience by His Royal Highness the Sultan to our Scouting leaders has made us proud.
This further strengthens the bond between the Royalty and Scouting.
We all once again eagerly look forward to meet you in near future .
Our prayers to Almighty Allah for your well being, properity and success in your future endeavors as people’s princess.
Warm Regards
Sedikitnya ada 20 peserta yang merupakan mantan pimpinan, andalan nasional, pengurus, dan pegiat pramuka di kawasan Asia Pasifik, dari 12 negara yang turut berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. (fgp/cst)